Saturday, November 21, 2009

A Pilgrimage to the Shrines of St. Maria Goretti

The Basilica at Nettuno where St. Maria's Body lies

The Body of St. Maria in the Basilica at Nettuno

At the Church of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva

The house of St. Maria and the site of her Martyrdom

A view along the house where St. Maria was Martyred

The spot of St. Maria's Martyrdom

At the spot where St. Maria was Martyred

The Chapel in the room where St. Maria was Martyred

At the foot of the steps where St. Maria sat minutes before her Martyrdom
At the entrance to the former hospital where St. Maria died.

The spot of St. Maria's death

The Altar in the Chapel at the site of St. Maria's death

The Entrance to the Room where St. Maria died.


  1. En verdad la vida de esta Santa es maravilloso y perfecto don de Dios... Pidámosle para que nuestra juventud de hoy en día, siga el ejemplo de Santa Maria Goretti en el perfecto celo y cuidado de nuestro cuerpo, además para que por medio de ella podamos vivir la castidad y agradar cada vez mas a nuestro Señor. Soy gustavo Saravia, ruego a ella le pida al Señor me guie en la reserva de mi libre obediencia y castidad.
